0:00 [Subtitles done in handwork with love, using the Woodsworth translation] And here as a preamble to the entire Anastasia book film series, which is 0:07 now being published for the sixth volume, here come a few chapters from the fourth 0:13 volume, “Creation”, where the family domains, kinship domains are explained beautifully. 0:23 For those who don't know the idea yet. But also for those who already know the idea. It is very well described what Paradise a kinship domain is, that is 0:35 alive. And this is going to be one of the Masterpiece core movies that 0:43 are going to spring out of the whole, very precious, Anastasia material, read 0:52 from the fantastic translation that is available through John Woodsworth. And this is also like an extended addition for the German viewers, much more 1:06 pictures had place in here as the translation is richer in details and deepness. Chapter 26. Even 1:16 today everyone can build a home. "The most important thing, Vladimir, is that even today everyone can 1:25 build a home. Everyone can feel God with their soul and live in Paradise. One single moment is all 1:36 that separates Paradise from people living on the Earth today. Each one possesses conscious awareness 1:44 within. When dogmas do not interfere with this awareness, then look, Vladimir, what can come to pass..." 1:55 All at once Anastasia brightened. She grasped hold of my hand and led me to the shore of the lake 2:02 where there was a patch of bare sand, and started talking to me along the way. She says: "It only takes 2:11 a moment. You will understand everything in just a moment of time. And everyone will understand - 2:19 the readers, yours and mine. Within themselves they will define the essence of the Earth, and 2:27 become aware of their destined purpose. Right this moment, Vladimir, see, right this moment we shall in 2:37 our thoughts build our home. I and you, and all of them too. And I assure you indeed that the thought 2:46 of each one of them will be brought into contact with the thought of God. The gates of paradise will 2:55 open. Let us go, let us move with more speed. I shall draw it with a stick upon the shore... We 3:05 shall build a home together with those who into contact with your written words will later come. 3:13 All human thought will merge together into one. Believe me, people have God's ability within them 3:23 to turn whatever they conceive into reality. And many a home will stand upon the land. And each 3:32 one in their own homes will be able to grasp everything firsthand. They will be able to feel 3:40 and understand the aspirations of the Divine dream. We shall build a home! I and you, and all of them 3:51 together!" "Hold on there, Anastasia” says Vladimir "There are a a whole bunch of different designs 4:01 out there for homes where people are living now. What sense can there be in proposing yet another 4:07 one?" Anastasia says: "Vladimir, you must do more than simply listen to me! You must feel everything that 4:18 I outline, and mentally complete yourself the whole design, and let everyone else draw it along with 4:26 me. O, God! People, at least give it a try, I beg of you!" Anastasia was literally trembling with joyful 4:38 excitement. She was reaching out to people, and I found myself growing more and more interested in 4:45 her design. And at first it seemed simple to me, yet at the same time I had the feeling as though 4:54 this reculse Anastasia, was revealing to everyone a most extraordinary secret. The whole secret was in 5:03 utter simplicity, and if I can remember the events in order, this is how they all went. Anastasia 5:12 continued: "First choose for yourself a place of your own you like best of all the pleasing 5:19 spaces of the Earth. A place where you would like to live, and would like your children to live out 5:26 their lives. And then you will indeed leave to your great-grandchildren a fitting memorial to 5:34 you. The climate, too, in that place must be favourable for you. Take one hectare of 5:44 land in that place for yourself in perpetuity." Footnote: An hectare is an designating area 100 5:54 metres square or 10,000 square metres, approximately equivalent to 2.5 acres in the imperial 6:03 system. And Vladimir says: "But nobody can just come along and take any piece of land they 6:12 jolly well desire. Land today is sold only in places where people wish to sell it." She says: 6:22 "Yes, unfortunately, everything happens this way today. Our motherland is extensive, but there is 6:29 not a single hectare of your land where you can create a corner of paradise for 6:34 your children and descendants. And yet the time has now come when we must begin acting on this 6:42 cause. And take advantage of the most favourable of all existing laws. And he says: "I don't know 6:52 all the laws, of course, but I'm sure there's no law allowing someone to take possession of a parcel of land in perpetuity. Farmers can rent a good deal of land, but only for 99 7:04 years." She says: "Well then, we can start by taking it for a shorter span of time, 7:14 but we need at once to plan a law so that everyone may have his own parcel of ground, 7:20 his own Motherland. Whether or not and to what degree the country flourishes as state depends 7:28 on this. And if there is no appropriate law at the moment, well you will have to make 7:34 one." And he says: "That's easier said than done. Our laws are made by the State Duma. It has to make 7:46 some amendment or introduce a new article into the Constitution. And the parties in the Duma 7:52 are constantly fighting with each other - there is no way they can settle the land question." 8:00 And here a footnote to ‘a party’: In 2005 the Russian ‘motherland party’ Rodnaya partiya was established with the 8:11 specific purpose of bringing forth legislation on allocating pieces of motherland to people in form 8:18 of family plots, just as Anastasia proposes here. In fact the name Rodnaya partiya was suggested in Book 8 8:29 (Part 2) of the Ringing Cedars series, published shortly before the new party was announced. End of 8:38 note. She says: "Then if there is no party capable of enshrining into law everyone's 8:48 right to their Motherland you will have to form such a party." And he says: "And who will set it 8:56 up?" And she says: "Those who will read about the home we are creating and become aware of what 9:05 a Motherland means to each one, to each Man living today, and to the future of the whole 9:12 Earth." And he says: "Well, enough about political parties. Tell me rather about this unusual home 9:24 of yours. I'm really interested now in what new design you can possibly bring forth. 9:31 Let's say someone has come into possession of a hectare of land. Not exactly a Paradise, 9:37 but, say one grown over with wild grasses - they are probably not going to give him better than 9:45 that. And there he is, standing on his hectare of land - what next?" Anastasia says: "Think about it 9:55 yourself, Vladimir, and dream a little, too. What could you do if you were standing on your own 10:03 land?” Chapter 27. A fence. Vladimir continues: "First of all," I said, "first of all, everything, of course, 10:18 must be enclosed by a fence. Otherwise, when they bring in building materials to construct the 10:25 manor house, somebody could come along and pilfer them. And when you plant a crop, it might be 10:32 stolen before you harvest it. Or are you against fences on principle?" Anastasia says: "I'm not against 10:42 them, Vladimir. Even animals mark out their own territory. Only what are you going to make the 10:50 fence of?" He says: "What do you mean, what of? Fence boards, of course... No wait. Fence boards can turn 11:00 out to be on the expensive side. For starters you need to dig post holes and string up barbed 11:06 wire all around the property. Even then you should still put up boards, so people wouldn't see inside 11:12 the fence.” And she asks: "And how many years could a board fence last without needing repair?" He says: 11:23 "If it is constructed of good material, if you keep it painted or varnished and smear the parts of the 11:28 posts that are in the ground with pitch, it might go five years or more without needing repair." And she asks: 11:38 "And then?" And he: "Then you would probably need to do some repair work and touch it up, to keep it from 11:45 rotting." She says: "So, that means you will constantly have to fuss over the fence. And it will give your 11:54 children and grandchildren even greater cause for concern. Would it not be better to construct it so 12:02 your children will not have to bother about it, and so that their view will not be spoiled by 12:08 the sight of rotting timber? Let us think how to make def fence more solid and long-lasting, so 12:16 that your descendants may have fonder remembrances of you." Vladimir says: "Of course, you can build it 12:25 so it will last longer. Who wouldn't want that? For example, you could make brick pillars and a 12:32 brick foundation, and put cast iron grill work in between - that kind of fence doesn't rust. It can 12:40 even last a hundred of years. But only very rich people can afford to build a fence like that. Can you imagine? 12:49 A whole hectare - that's a perimeter of 400 meters. A fence like that's going to set you back several hundred 12:57 thousand rubles, maybe even millions. Still it will last a good hundred years, maybe two hundred or more. 13:06 You can even have it made with all sorts of family monograms. Your descendants will look 13:12 at it and remember their great-grandfather, and it will be the envy of everyone around." Anastasia says: 13:22 "Envy is not a good feeling, Vladimir. In fact, it is harmful." And he says: "Well, there's not much you 13:31 can do about that. I tell you, enclosing a hectare of land with a good fence is not something many 13:38 people can afford." And she says: "That means we must think up some other kind of fence.” And he 13:48 says: "What other kind? Can you suggest something?" And she says: "Would it not be better, Vladimir, in 13:57 place of a whole lot of posts, which can later rot, to plant trees?" He says: "Trees? And then what, 14:07 nail boards?" And she says: "Why nail boards to them? Look there, in the forest there are a lot 14:16 of trees growing with their trunks only one-and-a-half to two metres apart." He says "Yes you're right. 14:25 But there are holes between them. It's not the same as a fence." She says: "But it is possible to 14:33 plant bushes in between them, that people cannot get through. Take a careful look, and think what 14:40 a splendid living fence you would have! And it would be just a little bit different with each 14:47 person. And everyone would come to admire the view. And the descendants in the ages to come 14:56 will remember the creator of this splendid hedge. And the hedge will not only save them time on 15:04 repairs but will bring them benefits as well. It will serve, in fact, as far more than just 15:12 a barrier. One person will make a hedge out of birches growing in a row. Another one will use oak. 15:21 And someone with a creative impulse will make a coloured hedge, the kind one reads about in fairy tales." 15:30 And he asks: “What d’you mean, coloured?” And she says: “Planting different coloured trees. Birches, maples 15:41 oaks and cedars. Some may intertwine a rowan-tree with clusters of bright red berries and still 15:50 plant guelder-roses in between. And make room for bird cherry trees and lilac bushes. After 16:00 all, you can plan it all out in advance. Each planter should watch to see how high each one 16:08 grows, how it blooms in the spring, what kind of a fragrance it has and what feathered friends it 16:16 attracts. Thus your hedge will be both sonorous and pleasantly fragrant. And you will never get 16:29 tired of looking at it, as the picture will be changing its tints with each passing day. It 16:37 will flourish with colours anew every spring and every autumn burst forth in an explosion of fiery 16:46 hues.” Vladimir says: “Well Anastasia it seems your a poetess as well. We began with just 16:58 just a simple fence and now see what you've all made of it! You know, I really like the 17:04 way you've turned the whole thing around. And why haven't people thought of this before? No 17:11 painting required, no repair. And when the trees get too big they can be cut down and used for 17:18 firewood. And people can plant new trees - they can change the picture, just like an artist. 17:27 The only thing is, won't it take a long time to plant that kind of a hedge? And if you're 17:33 going to plant the trees two metres apart, then you've got to dig 200 holes for the saplings. And then 17:40 plant the bushes in between. And no technology will be allowed, you will say?” Anastasia says: 17:49 “On the contrary, Vladimir. There is no sense in rejecting technology for the project at hand. 17:56 Indeed any invention of of the dark forces must be put to use to serve the forces of 18:02 light. It will hasten the implementation of the plan if you use a plough to dig a trench around the 18:12 perimeter of the ground-lot and plant the saplings in it, along with the seeds at the same time - for 18:19 the bushes you have decided to plant between the trees. Then you can go over it again with the 18:26 plough to fill in the soil. While the Earth is still loose you can adjust the position of each sapling 18:33 to even out the row.” And Vladimir: “That's fantastic. So in two or three days one person can put up a whole 18:43 hedge.” “Yes.” He continues: “The only drawback is that until the hedge grows, it won't deter any thieves. 18:55 And people will have to wait a long time for it to grow. Especially in the case of oak and 19:01 cedar.” And she says: “But birch and aspen grow quickly, and the bushes between them will not 19:10 take much time either. If you're in a hurry you can plant tree saplings two metres high right away. When 19:18 the birches are grown, they can be cut up for household use, and their places will be taken by 19:24 the maturing cedar and oak trees.” And he says: “Okay, then a living fence is something I can grasp. I 19:36 really like it. Now tell me what style of house do you see on the ground-lot?” Anastasia says: “Perhaps 19:46 we should first plan out the lot as a whole, Vladimir?” And he says: “What do you have in mind - 19:55 different beds for tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers? That's usually women's work. House building is 20:02 a man's job. I think you need to build one large house right off - a fashionable manor house in the 20:09 European style so that your grandchildren and great grandchildren will remember you fondly. 20:17 Then there can be a smaller cottage for the servants. It's a pretty big lot after all. It 20:23 will require a lot of work.” And Anastasia says: “Vladimir, if everything is done properly from 20:32 the start, there will be no need for servants. Everything around you will serve you with great 20:39 pleasure and with love - and not only you but your children and whole family and your grandchildren 20:47 too.” And he says: “It doesn't happen that way with anyone. Even with your beloved dachniks.” Note, here 20:59 comes a longer footnote that is almost about 10 pages and is a beautiful add-on into what 21:08 already is happening, about about creating this vision in real in Russia, back in 2006. And 21:17 this will be put to the end, so we can continue here with the chapters and it is a beautiful 21:25 outlook at the Finish Lines of these chapters. So I continue, he says: “Even with your beloved 21:33 dachniks, [what means gardeners], this doesn't happen. They only have five or six hundred square metres, 21:42 yet they're working it every free day from dawn till dusk. And here they're going to have a 21:48 whole hectare! It's going to take at least a dozen dump-trucks every year just to bring 21:54 in the fertiliser and manure. First the loads of manure have to be spread over the whole 22:00 growing area and then all the earth has to be dug up and turned over. Otherwise nothing will 22:07 grow right. And you'd better add some kind of fertiliser - you can get it in special stores. 22:14 If you don't fertilise, the soil won't give a good yield. It's something agronomists - people who study 22:21 agriculture - know and dachniks have learned from experience. I hope you agree on the need for 22:28 fertiliser.” Anastasia says: “Of course the earth needs fertilising, but the task need not to be 22:37 devitalising. God has thought through everything in advance so that the ground in the place you 22:45 wish to live, will turn out to have the right nutrients and be in an ideal condition without 22:52 wearisome physical efforts on your part. You need only make contact with His thought and feel the 23:01 wholeness of the system He has designed, instead of just relying on your own intellect in making 23:10 decisions.” And he asks: “Then why is nothing fertilised today anywhere on the Earth 23:18 according to God's system?” Anastasia says: “Vladimir, right now you're in the taiga. Look look around you, 23:29 how high the trees are, how mighty their trunks! Among the trees herbs and bushes are growing. 23:37 There are raspberries and currants. Indeed a whole lot of everything grows right here in 23:42 the taiga for Man's use. And over a thousand of years not a single person has fertilised 23:50 the ground, but the land remains fruitful. What do you think, how has it been fertilised and by whom? 23:58 And he says: “By whom? I don't know how or by whom. But you've pointed out a really important 24:08 fact. Indeed it's simply amazing how man somehow gets everything twisted around. Tell me yourself 24:17 why aren't various kinds of fertiliser needed in the taiga? Anastasia says: “Here in the taiga God’s 24:27 thought and God's plan are not interfered with to the same degree as where Man lives today. In 24:35 the taiga, leaves fall from the trees and little branches are torn off by the breeze. And these 24:44 leaves and branches along with worms fertilise the ground in the taiga. And the grass which grows 24:53 all around regulates the composition of the Earth. The bushes help it clear away excesses of acid and 25:02 alkalis. None of the fertilisers you are familiar with can substitute for leaves falling from the 25:11 trees. After all, leaves include many of the diverse energies of the Universe. They have 25:19 seen the stars the Sun and the Moon. And not only seen, but they have interacted with them. 25:28 And even many thousands of years from now the ground here in the tagia will still be 25:33 fertile.” And Vladimir says: “But the ground lot where our house is to be built is not in the 25:42 taiga, you see?” And she says: “Then start planning! You yourself can plant a forest of different 25:51 kind of trees.” He says: “Maybe it'd be best if you told me right off how to make it so 25:59 that the soil on the plot stays fertilised all on its own? That is a major undertaking 26:06 since there are so many other things to do. Planting beds, warding of various kinds of 26:12 pests…” She says: “Of course we could talk about details and particulars, but it would be best 26:21 for each one to apply his own thought, his soul and his dream to the building work. Each 26:29 of us knows instinctively what will be the most suitable arrangement for him and bring 26:36 joy to his children and grandchildren. There can be no single plan that fits it all. Each plan is 26:45 individual, like a great artist's masterpiece. Each man must make his own.” And Vladimir says: 26:55 “But give me an example. At least tell me in general terms.” And she says: “All right - look, I 27:05 shall do a little outlining for you. But first there's the most important thing to understand. 27:12 Everything is created by God's hand for the good of man. You are a man and can control 27:21 through your soul what constitutes a real Paradise on the Earth.” And Vladimir says: “Now 27:31 more specifically, Anastasia, without philosophy. Tell me what to plant and where, tell me where 27:38 I should dig what cash crops should I grow that will bring me the biggest return on my 27:45 investment?” Anastasia says: “Vladimir, do you know why peasants and farmers today are so unhappy?” “Well 27:58 no, why?” She says: “So many of them are striving to bring in a harvest as big as they can. To sell. 28:10 They think more about money than about the land. They themselves do not believe that they can be 28:17 happy in their own family nest, they think the rest of the people are happy in the big cities. Believe 28:26 me Vladimir, what is created in your soul will unfailingly be reflected in the whole world around 28:33 you.” And she continues: “Of course outward details are also necessary. Let us think together about one 28:44 way we can plan out our plot. I shall simply start things rolling and you help me on your part.” He 28:53 says: “Okay I'll help you start.” She says: “Let us say our lot is on a barren section of land, and is now 29:03 enclosed on all sides by hedge. Let us divide it, reserving half or three quarters of the lot for a forest, and 29:13 there plant a variety of trees. On the edge of the forest where it borders on the remaining part of 29:21 the lot, we shall plant a hedge in such a way that animals cannot pass through it and trample the 29:26 crops growing in the garden plot. In the forest we shall set up a pen using densely planted saplings, 29:36 which in time will be home for a goat or two. And we shall also use saplings to construct a shelter 29:43 for egg laying hens.” Note by Kess: If chicken have access to trees with many branches, they don't need 29:53 a fence and can protect themselves. And if there are goats they'll protect the chicken too. “In the 30:02 garden plot we shall make a pond approximately 16 metres across. We shall plant raspberry and currant 30:10 bushes among the trees in the forest, and wild strawberries around the edge. Later, after the 30:18 trees in the forest have grown a little, we can set up two or three empty log hives there for bees.” 30:33 Note on the pond: Placing a pond near the vegetable beds makes sense because 30:39 it will reflect the sunlight in many directions and bring more warmth to the fertile ground. “And we shall use trees to make a gazebo where you will 30:50 have a cool place, safe from the heat, to talk with your children or your friends. 31:00 And we can make a summer sleeping area out of living things along with a creative workshop for 31:14 you. And sleeping places for the children and a living 31:24 room.” Vladimir says: “Wow it won't be a forest we end up with, but more of a 31:33 palace!” She says: “Only the palace will be a living eternity and continue to grow in 31:45 perpetuity. This is how the Creator himself thought up the whole balance of things. And all man has to 31:57 to do is to assign everything its task - according to his own taste, design and understanding.” And he 32:08 says: “But why didn't the Creator do it all this way to begin with? Everything in the 32:15 forest grows just where it happens to end up.” And she says: “Think of the forest as a book for 32:23 you as a creator. Look more closely Vladimir - everything therein has been written by the 32:32 Father. Look over there: three trees are growing just half a meter apart. 32:42 You are free to plant them in a row and use a whole lot of them to make up other configurations. In among the trees there are bushes growing - think of how you can make use 32:56 of them to sweeten your life. And where the trees do not allow grass and bushes to 33:03 grow between them, you can take it as a lesson for building your future house out of living 33:09 materials. It is as though all of you have to do is 33:16 to formulate the required program and adjust it according to your 33:21 taste. Everything around you is charged with the task of cherishing and delighting you 33:31 and your children, cherishing and feeding them.” And Vladimir says: “To feed ourselves we will 33:40 need to plant a vegetable garden. And that will take a lot of sweat.” And Anastasia says: “Believe 33:49 me Vladimir, even the vegetable garden can be set up so that it will be not an aggravation. You just 33:55 need to keep everything under observation. Among the herbs, just the way everything grows in the 34:02 forest, you could have the most splendid tomatoes and cucumbers under cultivation. Their taste will 34:10 be much more appealing and healthful for the body then when they are grown simply on a patch of bare 34:16 ground.” And he asks: “But what about the weeds? And won't they be destroyed by pests and beetles?” She 34:28 says: “There is nothing useless in nature, Vladimir, and there are no purposeless weeds. Neither are 34:36 there any beetles that are harmful to Men.” He says: “What do you mean, there aren't any harmful beetles?!” 34:45 Take Locust for example or the Colorado beetle - a real vermin that eats away at potato crops 34:52 in the fields.” She says: “Yes it does. It is also thereby showing people how their ignorance is 35:01 eating away at the self-sufficiency of the Earth, contradicting the designs of the Divine Creator. 35:11 How can people keep stubbornly ploughing year after year, in one and the same place, torturing 35:18 the ground? It's like scraping an open wound, at the same time demanding benefits from the wound. 35:28 Locusts or the Colorado beetle will not touch the ground lot which you and I have outlined. When 35:35 everything grows together in one grand harmony, the fruits occurring to the owner are also 35:42 harmonious.” And Vladimir says: “But if that's the way everything is going to ultimately 35:50 turn out, meaning on the lot you have thought up there is no need for men to fertilise the 35:56 ground, or fight of vermine with various kinds of poisons, or do weeding, and everything is just 36:03 going to grow and all by itself, then what is there left for Man to do?” Anastasia says: “Live 36:13 in Paradise. The way God wanted us to. Anyone who is able to build himself a Paradise like 36:22 that will come into contact with the Divine thought and produce a new co-creation together 36:30 with Him.” He asks: “What new co-creation?” She says: “It’s turn will come once the creation of 36:42 Paradise has been completed in due course. Let us consider now what you and I still need to 36:49 do.” Chapter 28 - Home. 36:59 Vladimir continues: “We still have to build ourselves a decent home, a place 37:07 for our children and grandchildren to live problem-free. A two-story brick manor house 37:14 with a toilet bathroom and hot water heater. You can do that for any private home these days. I was 37:24 at a building fair recently and noticed how a lot of different facilities have been 37:29 developed for conveniences in private homes. Or are you again going to object that we don't 37:37 need to use any technological gadgets?” Anastasia says: “On the contrary, they are necessary. You need 37:48 to make everything serve the cause of good as the opportunity presents itself. Besides it is 37:57 important, that there be a smooth transition in people's habits. Only your grandchildren will 38:06 not need the kind of home you are building. They will understand on their own as they 38:13 grow up. They will need another kind of home. That is why it is not worthwhile spending too 38:21 much effort to make the house extremely big or solid.” And he says: “Anastasia, I can tell you've 38:30 got another sly trick up your sleeve. You keep rejecting everything I propose, even the house. 38:39 I think there is no question but it should be a decent house. You said we would be designing 38:46 this project together and here you're thwarting me at every turn, no matter what I say.” And she 38:55 says: “Of course we are doing it together, Vladimir. Besides I am not rejecting anything. I am simply 39:04 expressing my views. And each one must decide for himself what comes closest to his own taste.” And 39:14 he says: “You should have told me a little more about your views right off. I don't think anyone 39:21 is going to understand why the house should not stay the way it is for the grandchildren.” She says: 39:30 “The other home will still preserve their love for you and their everlasting memories of you. 39:38 When your grandchildren grow up they will understand which materials out of all the 39:44 ones thought up on the Earth will be the most pleasant, solid and useful for them. Right now 39:54 you do not have those kind of materials. Your grandchildren will build a wooden house using 40:02 those trees which their grandfather planted ‘way back when’ and which their father and mother so 40:10 loved. That home will start curing them, it will keep them from impurities and inspire 40:23 them to what is bright. The grand energy of love will dwell in that 40:31 home.” And Vladimir says: “Yes… Interesting… A home made of materials of the trees 40:42 cultivated by their grandfather and their father and their mother. And you say it will 40:49 help protect those living in this home? How? There's some kind of mysticism 40:56 involved here.” And she says: “Why would you call the bright energy of Love ‘mysticism’, 41:05 Vladimir?” He says: “Because not everything is clear to me here. I've been talking about designing a 41:15 home and a ground lot and now you've all of a sudden started stating things about 41:21 love.” And she says: “But why ‘all of a sudden’? You have to create everything with love right from 41:32 the start.” And he says: “What - the living fence too? And you would have to plant the saplings 41:42 in the forest with love, too?” And she says: “Of course. The grand energy of love and all the 41:50 planets in creation will help you lead a full life, a life inherent in a Son of xyz 0:41:59.000,0:42:10.480 God”. And he says now you're really started talking incomprehensibly, Anastasia. From a house to a 42:10 garden you've gone back to God again. What relation could there possibly be here?” And she says: “Forgive 42:20 me for not being clearer in my explanation, Vladimir. Allow me to try a different 42:26 route in trying to explain the significance of our project.” And he says: “Go ahead. Only it turns 42:37 out it's your project not ours.” And she says: “It belongs to everyone Vladimir. Many people will 42:48 sense it intuitively in their hearts. But man will be prevented from grasping its specific 42:56 details by fly-by-night dogmas, sounds of the technocratic way of doing things and the many 43:05 scientific disciplines that are attempting to lead people away from happiness.” And he says: “All the 43:15 more reason for you to try putting everything in more specific terms.” And she says: “All right, 43:23 I shall try. Oh how I wish my explanations could be clearer to people - oh how I wish they could! Oh 43:35 logic of Divine aspirations, help me choose phrases and word combinations that will be more clearly understood.” 43:43 Chapter 29. The energy of Love. Anastasia says: “The great energy 43:58 of Love is sent to the Earth by God for his children. It comes to each of them at 44:07 one time or another. It frequently tries to cheer man with its warmth and stay near him 44:17 for ever. But most people do not give the Great Divine energy the opportunity of remaining with 44:27 them for long. Imagine a couple where he and she meet at one point in the resplendent radiance of 44:36 love. They endeavor to join their lives together in perpetuity. They consider that their union will be 44:47 made more solid if affirmed on paper and by ritual in front of a large gathering of witnesses. But all 44:57 to no avail. It takes but a few days for the energy of love to fade from their lives. And it happens 45:08 that way with just about everyone.” Vladimir says: “Yes you are right, Anastasia. A tremendous number of 45:19 people get divorced. About seventy percent. And it often happens that those who don't get divorced end up living 45:28 like a dog and a cat together or show complete indifference to each other. Everybody knows 45:37 this, but nobody can figure out why it happens on such a massive scale. You claim the energy of Love 45:46 fades from their lives, but why? As though it were somehow aiming to tease everyone or playing some 45:55 some kind of game it's invented.” And she says: “Love does not tease anyone and it does not play games. 46:06 It tries to stay with everyone forever but man chooses his own way of life. And this way of life 46:15 frightens the energy of love. Love cannot give inspiration to annihilation. It is unseemly for 46:27 the offspring of love to live in torment when he and she are beginning to build a new life together - 46:34 when they are endeavouring to establish a home in an apartment resembling a vault of lifeless stone. 46:44 When each has their own work and interests and their own environment. When there 46:50 is no common vision of the future, no conjugal aspirations. When their bodies are attracted by 46:59 mere fleshly alleviation, only to hand over their child to the cruel ways of a world devoid of 47:07 clean water, a world filled with bandits, wars and disease. It is from this that the energy of Love 47:19 flees.” And he says: “But what if he and she have lots of money or the parents give the newlyweds, 47:29 instead of a tiny flat, say a six room apartment in a fancy modern block, with a guard on duty at 47:37 the entrance and they give them a fine car and deposit lots of money into their bank account. 47:45 Would the energy of Love agree to remain under those conditions? Could he and she live her whole 47:53 life in love?” Anastasia says: “Then they will be obliged to live their lives to the end of their 48:02 years in cold fear, deprived of love and freedom. And watch everything around them grow old and 48:12 rot.” And Vladimir says: “So what exactly does this finical energy of Love require?” And she 48:25 says: “Love is not finicky or obstinate, it aspires to the Divine creation. It 48:35 can forever warm the heart of one who agrees to co-create with it a Space of 48:42 Love.” And he asks: “And is there a Space of Love somewhere in the design you have come 48:51 up with?” “Yes” “And where is it?” She says: “It is in everything. First it is born for the couple, 49:06 then again for their children. And through three planes of being the children will have 49:14 a connection with the whole Universe. Imagine, Vladimir, that he and she will begin in their 49:22 love to implement this design that you and I are outlining. They will plant family trees and 49:31 herbs in the ground, together with an orchard. And how happy they will be in the spring when 49:38 their co-creations burst forth into bloom. Love will eternally dwell between them, in 49:47 their hearts, all around. And each will see the other in a spring flower, remembering how they 49:58 planted a flowering tree together. And the taste of raspberries will remind them of the taste of love, 50:07 since in the autumn he and she - in love for each other - touched the twig of a raspberry 50:15 bush. In the shady orchard splendid fruit is ripening. And the orchard was planted jointly 50:25 by he and she. They planted the orchard in love. She laughed resoundingly when he dug a hole and 50:36 perspiration covered his brow, and she wiped it off with her hand and planted a kiss on his burning lips. 50:46 It often happens in life that only one of the partners is in love while their mate 50:55 simply tolerates the other's presence. Once they start working on the orchard, the energy 51:03 of Love will multiply itself and never forsake either of them. After all, their way of life will 51:13 help them both live their lives in love and convey the space of love to their children 51:21 in continuation. And help them rise their children together with God in His image and likeness.” 51:30 And here comes the footnote that was placed around when 51:43 she mentioned gardeners - ‘dachniks’ - because it unfolds into a 10 pages or something 51:51 addon, that is just in between these chapters that I just read. And yeah they 51:58 want to be seen, it's beautiful pictures that also can be found here. “Footnote: Dachniks - people who spend time (their days off, especially summer holidays) 52:12 tending a garden as their dacha or cottage in the country.” [related to the picture] “A raspberry living fence grown by Sergei 52:19 and Vera Bondar, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. In addition to producing abundant harvests of raspberries, 52:27 this maintenance-free hedge protects the garden from winds, attracts birds that naturally control 52:34 pasts and keeps unwanted visitors out. Picture below: Kin's domain design, 2003, by Irina Labountsova, 52:45 Zapolyanie eco-village. In response to Anastasia plea, thousands of people all across Russia and 52:53 beyond have created designs of of their family domains and started turning them into reality.” 53:01 And here this special add-on continues: “Plan of the Solnyshko (‘Sunshine’) community composed 53:09 of kin domains.” And there are more kin domains by several people in form of picture. “True to 53:20 Anastasia's promise, new homes have sprouted all across Russia as thousands of people inspired by 53:26 her dream, start to lay foundations for their family domains or bring dying villagers back 53:33 to life.” Here's another picture: “A build-your-home wonder-cake, representing a small-scale model of 53:43 a kin's domain, complete with a living fence and garden plantings, becomes a festive table 53:50 centerpiece in the Kovcheg eco-village, Kaluga Region, during a celebration on 16 September 2006.” And 53:59 the other picture: “Young girls in search for their intended mate set small rafts afloat during 54:06 a find-your-soulmate festival in the Rodovoe community, Tula Region. For a description of this 54:16 ancient ritual and its significance, see chapter 5 in book 6 of the Ringing Cedars Series.” And 54:25 this picture: “Dachnik Day celebration at the Rodnoe eco-village, Vladimir Region, July 23 2006. Residents of 54:37 Rodnoe and nearby eco-villages along with numerous guests share greens, vegetables and fruit they 54:44 have grown themselves on their plots. The Dachnik Day holiday - proposed in book 2 of the Ringing 54:51 Cedars Series to honour the millions of gardeners and celebrate men's connectedness to the Earth, 54:59 is now celebrated by thousands of individuals, families and communities throughout Russia and beyond.” 55:05 Here another picture: “New homes and residents of the Rodnoe eco-village, Vladimir 55:16 Region.” And the other one: “Republic of Mariy El, Russia, attract visitors to a permaculture workshop. 55:23 Mixed permaculture plantings in Vasiliy and Marina's garden. Like millions 55:31 of other food gardeners throughout Russia this family uses no chemical fertilisers or pesticides, yet manages to grow abundant harvests in a climate with a growing season 55:41 of only 110 days.” And here is a really dense and precious note in this expansion, about what is 55:51 already happening: “According to official statistics in 2005, Russian gardeners using 55:58 less than 3% of the country's agricultural land, produced over 53% of the nation's agricultural 56:07 output. More than all the commercial producers taken together.” And this was back in 2006! 56:19 Yes, this was the about 10 pages add-on in this English version of the Anastasia Creation book. 56:27 [Music]